l"Autorité palestinienne - definizione. Che cos'è l"Autorité palestinienne
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Cosa (chi) è l"Autorité palestinienne - definizione

Autorité Canadienne pour les Enregistrements Internet; Autorité canadienne pour les enregistrements internet; Autorité canadienne pour les enregistrements Internet

Autorité organisatrice de transports         
Autorite organisatrice de transports
In France, an (transport organisation authority), usually abbreviated AOT, is one of the local government bodies implementing the 1982 law for the organisation of transportation in France., no.
Autorité organisatrice de transport urbain         
Autorite organisatrice de transport urbain; AOTU
In France, an (AOTU; urban transport organisation authority) is a type of autorité organisatrice de transports (AOT) for urban areas.
Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale         
Autorite Aeroportuaire Nationale; Autorité Aeroportuaire Nationale; Autorite Aéroportuaire Nationale
The Autorité Aéroportuaire Nationale (AAN) is a government agency responsible for operating Haitian commercial airports. AAN ensures the creation, extension, management, operation and installation of airport facilities and civil aerodromes throughout the Haitian territory.


Canadian Internet Registration Authority

The Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) (French: Autorité canadienne pour les enregistrements internet ACEI) is the organization that manages the .ca country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Canada. Its offices are located at 979 Bank Street in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. CIRA sets the policies and agendas that support Canada's internet community and Canada's involvement in international internet governance. It is a member-driven organization with membership open to all that hold a .ca domain. As of March 2023, there were more than 3.3 million active .ca domains.